Poor Carly!! Glad we had a chance to celebrate and have a Birthday Party for Carly right before we left Texas with my family! Carly got to eat her own cake and make a huge mess...BUT THEN we went to New Mexico on our way to Oregon and was there for her Birthday! (Clint drove the moving truck to Oregon with his Dad, while Carly and I made a vacation out of the trip) Carly was sick with the stomach flu for the first time ever on her Birthday...throwing up every 5 minutes!!! Not how I was planning Carly's 1st birthday to work out...It was still fun visiting one of our best friends the Brimhalls, at least Carly was able to look happy enough to take the pic with her strawberry cake (NM pics shown first) for a few mintutes and then threw up a few seconds later...poor girl...good thing she chowed on her Texas cake earlier, cause that was all she got! At least she got some cool presents!!!
Here are also some pics I took of Amy and her new baby Scout at 3 weeks old! He is so adorable and a good baby...I love new babies! It really made me baby hungry! uh-oh!
happy you finally got to post! sorry we gave you guys the craps and pukes! ahhhh nasty, huh? Thanks for coming though! We loved having you two and miss you already. Love the Carly Colage and so glad you are so in love with your little girl. All moms should love their babies like you. You should have 10! Love ya girl!
Carly is adorable! I love that collage too! So cute! And I agree, you should have 10. If I had a hot bod like you 2 seconds after popping one out, I'd be up to 5 by now, but for some stupid reason I think I have to get back down to my marriage weight before getting knocked up each time...just to pack on the 75lbs again! DUMB!
So are you guys in Oregon now? LUCKIES!!!!
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