our best friends amy, zeke, and chalet brimhall just came from new mexico for an annual visit for 5 days...& we had a blast! we went out to the coast and played, ate seafood, spent the night, and shopped the outlets...amy the amazing photographer that she is, took our fam pics! thanks amy, we love you and miss you guys tons already! come back soon!

CUTE!! I love these!
Always soo cute!
Hey I am calling you this morning! I hope you answer because I miss you and I know you have tried calling me a few times and I swear I have called you back! I am getting a face painting itch like mad. Halloween always does it to me. I am broke, but I gotta gotta have a kit so I need to talk to you!!! Love you! I love these pics! I hope you printed some up girl!
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