Today @ 6:30 we load up the truck to move to Oregon!!!
It's really hard to say goodbye to a place that you loved so much. My family moved here 9 years ago, and to me this move is so bittersweet. It's time for us to move on and leave so many great people, good memories, and my family. This is where Clint and I met, started a life together, and had our first baby! I feel so grateful for the times that we have had here, and all the people who helped to contribute to how blessed we have felt! We love you all and hate to say goodbye! Thanks to all of you who have been such great friends and have loved and cared for us!
I had to write a list of 20 things that I would love about Oregon and this move to make it easier....then of course I had to inlude a list of why I love Texas, but at least I made it shorter! lol I love Texas!
Here are some pics we took recently at a little pizzookie getogether with some of our friends to say goodbye! You guys are awesome!
20 Reasons to love Oregon!
Finally! Outdoor recreation
You can sit on the grass! No fire ants
No black mold…gross!
Holistic mindset (there may be too many hippies though)
Beautiful agriculture! I love the tropical plants that grow there!
Most beautiful Temple ever
Less traffic, smog, pollution, etc…
4 seasons
A new start ;) Always nice
Tap water you aren’t scared to drink
WAY less crime
Clint has a job!! Money! Money! Got to have it…(yeah to pay off our student debts) this should be number 1
Clint parent’s nearby, and their HUGE ranch… 3 hours away
Closer to Utah, California, and even Alaska (for Clint’s sake), and other cool cities to visit like Seattle!
A change in Scenery
No more blistering hot, humid weather
Cheaper Airline tickets to states I like to visit (flying to Utah from TX is lots of $ I don’t have!)
Awesome Seafood/close to the coast
Lots of lakes for boating, skiing, wakeboarding, fishing, etc…
10 Reasons I will miss TX
Brick and Stone housing (its a million dollars for one of those in Portland!)
Awesome restaurants because that’s what I do here…eat!
Economy is great
Shopping is too
Southern Hospitality, the friendliest people live in TX (great friends!)
Bible belt, conservative (very different in Portland)
Texas pride…seriously what other state waves their flag everywhere? And it is the only state allowed to wave it as high as the US flag!
My family is here
This is where Clint and I met, started our life together, and had our baby!
The church is awesome here