the girls and i took a two week trip to miridian, idaho in april to visit my sister khara, her hubby russ, & niece mekenzie. we swung by utah for a while too! here we are dedicating pictures to our sister tricia (on her mission). we call it the "tricia face." seems every pic she ever takes has this expression. we love you & miss you sister foster! you're too cute!
so to catch up on the last few months...were do i start? the girls are growing like crazy.... carly got the side taken off her bed (finally) a few months back and is now using a "big girl bed," i ran my first 10k beginning of march (my first half marathon coming in july!), pics of cierra at 4 months, and some @ yet another visit to multnoma with friends in town (dallas & abby, dan & jenny).
cierra is growing so fast! my little baby girl is already 6 months old (since last thursday) and is trying desperately to keep up with carly. the day she turned 6 months she surprised me by crawling, and is all over the floor now! (not that she wasn't already with army crawling before)...she is sitting, crawling, eating lots of solids, and going from crawl position to sitting. she is doing things faster than carly did so its a little surprising for me! this girl goes after what she wants, and she wants to move! she is showing so much personality and she is so much fun, and carly is loving her playmate!
i know, i know, its been forever since i have posted! are my excuses: our computer crashed and it took 3 weeks to fix, i was out of town visiting family in UT & ID for 2 weeks, & then left my snap & shoot camera with all my recent pics in ID so i have no pics to share! i have some major catching up to do! but my camera is in the mail and soon as it gets here i will be posting like crazy, because i have to catch up on SO much, b/c so much has happened! i want to keep track of the events in our life on this blog and will soon print it all in a book (hopefully i get around to that). i ALSO lost have my journal in the computer crash...thank goodness i have this blog to fall back on! cierra is 6 months old todayand i do have pics taken with my new 10d that i will post while i am waiting for my other camera to come...but just not tonight...i just had to put something up here for now...until then...