this is the best site for your new recipes...cause you know you need new least i do! made the BEST chocolate toffee cookies & will again right now. you have to check out this site and find a recipe you need. the author makes the recipes simple, but delicious! (not my pic, but mine looked the same, so will yours! how can you look and not want one?) by the way i will be back later to catch up on my life, i promise!
just finished my first week of preschool! with 9 kids 3 years old (or almost there!) it is busy! so far i am loving it and am excited for this year. i love planning my own curriculum and using my degree for something; i am lucky to be able stay home with my children at the same time! i turned our extra room into a preschool and it is working out great! carly thinks preschool is heaven, it is so cute! it is from 9-11:30, tuesday & are my kids, they are my "little learners!" cute huh? check out my preschool blog for more pics and info!