"tricia" face...we love to tease her about!

so at least i am getting around to posting about christmas (better late then never right?) well, we had one of the best christmas's ever! the whole family (with the exception of russ, khara's hubby) made it. tricia came home from her mission on the 29th, so we waited until the 30th for OUR christmas. it snowed on christmas (the 25th, the first time since 1920!) and then again on OUR christmas on the 30th...it was a white christmas! (of course it melted quickly.) it was amazing to be with everyone, and see tricia come home! we are SO proud of you tricia for all your hard work at the meza, AZ visitors center. you are an inspiration to all of us!
grandpa dressed up as santa on christmas eve, and the kids were beside themselves! it is so fun having carly old enough to get excited about it all, it makes christmas christmas. it was fun teaching her about baby jesus as well, and it became one of her favorite things about christmas this year, and it was a big focus for all of us!